Biking: A Love Story

Typically the holiday dedicated to romantic love, this Valentine’s Day we decided to feature one object of our collective affections—the bicycle. We asked fellow road riders, mountain bikers, and gravel gals what they loved about their bike—or what they loved about riding their bike. 

For some of us, it's that feeling of speed and freedom you get when you start to turn the pedals over. For others, it serves as a time machine—just tie your hair back in a ponytail or two braids and feel the years and weight of responsibility fall away. (Even if just for a little while.) Maybe your bike is your best companion—it's with you at every starting line you roll up to. 

Below are some of our favorite responses. At Velorosa®, our passion is creating beautiful cycling wear and getting to see it on all types of riders along our bike trails, in social media posts, and reviews from our customers. 

Your Biking Love Stories

I love riding my bike!! I love the sense of adventure and seeing where my bike and my own two legs will take me. I love a comfortable and stylish kit 😉 that makes the adventure even more exciting!!
– Lori G.

I like to ride my bicycle because it clears my mind and frees my body from stress and negative thoughts.  The fresh air and amazing scenery makes me appreciate life and how lucky I am to be able to cycle my worries away. 
– Peg H. F.

Growing up our family of 5 had one car. Bikes were transportation, and freedom. I rode everywhere, and thought I was so cool at age 10. As a newly wed in college, our budget only allowed for people powered vehicles. For the first year of our marriage we rode our bikes for transportation and recreation. We explored the mountains of Utah, made grocery runs, and even went to a drive in movie…on two wheels. As an empty nester riding a bike is about is about connection. Connecting to myself, my power. Connecting to people and listening to their stories. Connecting to place, the roads and trails around me. And after all this time, I still feel like that 10 year old version of me on a bike. Free. Joyful.
– Jeanne B.

My gravel bike is named Maki, after a fierce female anime character. And just like its namesake, my bike has an insatiable hunger for the road. Climbing gravel hills, speeding down trails… each ride elates me in its own way. Even when battling sweltering heat, biting cold or eye-watering winds. I love riding my bike because it forces me to live in the moment. It keeps my focus on the here and now: the expansion and contraction of my lungs, rhythmic pump of my legs, my grasp on the handlebars. Just Maki, the road and me.
– Emily C.

I love riding my bike because it makes me feel like a kid again, gravel riding up the paths to who knows where with my friends and family…what could be better? Getting out there…looking snappy in a Velorosa kit just celebrates it all.  
– Grammy J (Jocelyne B.)

Biking is a full escape. It is both exercise and my social life which allows me to find time to prioritize both of those things. I've made so many friends by riding my bike. It has not only changed my body and my health, but changed my life in countless positive ways.
– Emily 

From the moment I learned to ride my mom’s bike, too short to both pedal and sit on the seat, cycling has been a joy. That feeling of the wind in my face and adventure ahead never fails to lift me up.  Cycling brought independence to my small town youth, transportation for my college years and fitness to an ever changing body. On Mt. Lemon in Arizona it taught me that sometimes you have to slow down a bit to make the tough grinds in life.  On the rocky trails of Colorado I learned to keep my focus on the path I want to follow. And on the long rides in Iowa, my body seizing up from lack of water, I learned the importance of self care along the way. With the wisdom cycling also brought romance.  Husband #1 was a road bike racer that encouraged me to push my limits. Husband #2 proposed on a mountain bike ride and has been my partner in adventure for over 30 years since. Cycling has brought so much to my world, but as I near 60 what I appreciate most is that my bike reminds me that joy in the moment is as easy as pedaling out the driveway! 
– Ann K.

I put on my kit, work. I get my water bottles ready, work. I get my bike ready, work. Everything about biking is work until I step on my bike. But, from the time I swing my leg over and clip-in to when I get home sweaty or freezing, I feel free. While my face is full of wind, I can wander and explore or I can push my limits, and none of it is work. I may be alone on my bike, but I’m rarely lonely because my bike is one of the few places where I can escape everything. I love biking, and I love who I become when I am on my bike. 
– Audrey T.


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